Intercultural Consulting

"An important prerequisite for successful intercultural communication is the ability to 'decode' cultural influences."

Intercultural Competence Training

Different cultures do not only differ in language and origin. Different social classes and even different professions within a country, with people of the same ethnological origin, reveal cultural differences between these people, which could not be more different. This inevitably leads to a feeling of alienation between them.

This feeling of alienation that people who have little in common feel for each other is fundamentally responsible for the fact that people cannot communicate constructively with each other if they do not have the right tools to deal with it.

In contrast to coaching, consulting also relies on the consultant's expertise in topics such as intercultural competence and communication. I  make this experience and knowledge available to clients in an educational way. I am firmly convinced that the numerous counseling services will only be successful if everyone involved in intercultural work acquires sufficient intercultural counseling skills. No approach and no attitude is better suited to this than the systemic counseling approach, for those who internalize and practice it.

Methods and topics:

Cultural characteristics:

Specific cultural characteristics help us better understand and compare cultures in order to further cooperation.

- Impulse orientation vs. structure orientation
- Factual focus vs. relationship focus:
- Getting straight to the point vs. wooing 
- Security-oriented vs. change-oriented
- Autonomy vs. Heteronomy
- Self-determination and external determination
- Hierarchy vs. egalitarianism

- Intercultural faux pas
- Communication training
- Reflection of one's own cultural characteristics
- Recognizing communication, thinking and behavior patterns
- Intercultural and interreligious conflict competence

and many more.

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